2 Years Later was an audio & portrait project that aimed to collect diverse stories about how life was different in 2022 than it was 2 years prior.

The societal disruption COVID caused from 2020 - 22 left many people with life that looked much different than it was pre-pandemic. For some, changes were forced upon them, for others they were allowed space to reflect and recalibrate. At the time, I was going through a major life change and that made me curious about how other people were doing.

You can listen to all of the stories on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

This project is a part of Cobb Stories, a collaboration between Cobb Landmarks and The Marietta Arts Council, which aims to collect and tell the stories of the residents of Cobb County, Georgia.

“I felt very certain that Seattle was giving me a clear sign that I do not belong there anymore.”

“It’s just she and I, me and her. Two girls.”

“We’re still young enough to make a couple of mistakes, but also old enough to learn and put what we learn into action and make something happen.”

“We don’t know when tomorrow’s going to come... or not... so you have to find what you like about today. That strength has to come from somewhere inside you.”

“The arts - live theater - will play a strong role in the emotional recovery of our community. It’s all about creating an escape from the pain that is real in the world.”

“Now I can say my first priority is me and that's huge to even be able to say that.”